– Ravelry for Sewing? may be the sewing worlds answer to Ravelry!  I found it courtesy of Alessa who blogs at Farbenfreude in her post about, well, all sorts!

For those who don’t knit, Ravelry is a site where you can obtain patterns, see various different finished items made by hundreds of members and read their comments.  It’s invaluable for finding out about quirks of a pattern.  If you know Burda then in some ways its similar but you’re not limited to one company’s patterns!  My Sewing Circle is looking like it will be a close relation to Ravelry.

The other thing that Ravelry does is it allows you to keep track of your, ahem, stash.  And not just the fabric kind.  You can record your patterns and books too!  I’ve only just become a member and started to look around but all my Colette and Sewaholic patterns are up for the world to see!

There’s also the option of creating projects to record your current makes, or plan new ones, and there’s even a project design board which looks like it could be useful (or an almighty time suck when I should be sewing!).

So, come on over, I’m VickiKate if you want to say Hi!

5 thoughts on “ – Ravelry for Sewing?

    1. This is a wonderful idea!!! I use Ravelry for knitting, as Im a new knitter and am teaching myself to sew also!! Becomes an iddiction!!! Love the idea, and I am excited to see what happens next!

  1. This looks cool — I used in the past but didn’t stick with it. This looks better – thanks for posting!

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