Sew Grateful

Debi at My Happy Sewing Place is organising her second Sew Grateful week.  Yesterday was the give away posts (her blog has a round up…) and today is the day for thankful posts.  As I’m somewhat tardy, it’s two for the price of one here today!  I’ll have a(nother) give away post up shortly…

Sew Thankful.  The long and the short of it is that I’m thankful for all of you.  The support and knowledge you all so freely give and share has kept me going.  It’s increased my skill as a sewist, inspired me and has helped me out.  You’re all so generous in your time and skills, it’s incredible to be part of this community.  The community has added another dimension to the time I spend at my sewing machine and for that I’ll forever be thankful.

I am also thankful to my family.  Whilst Husband may not understand and certainly enjoys poking a little fun at me from time to time, he doesn’t winge that often!  Boy just finds it all fascinating and loves those enormous sheets of Burda tracing paper…  My parents are so supportive (as they always have been) they helped fund my sewing machine as a joint birthday and Christmas present back in 2010 and this year bought me my amazing Gingher shears and the Fabric Swatch book.  The first has made my least favourite bit of sewing more pleasurable whilst the second has increased my knowledge and understanding of the materials I work with.

So, here’s to the future and the continuing friendships I hope to keep building and making, with the common thread (Da Dum!) of sewing!

And now, to the giveaway:  Debi hopes that it’ll be tutorials and patterns galore today.  I can’t do much in the lines of a tutorial for you all today, so instead I offer this:

This is one of my vintage patterns; Simplicity 3829.  I think it’s late 50s early 60s but I’m not really sure!  I bought it because of the cute collar of view 1 but realistically I’m never going to make it so I’d love it to go to a new home where it will be used!

The pieces are all there as best as I can tell but it has been used and some of the pieces are cut out.  Along with the pattern I offer some bias tape made from this 100% cotton shirting that I also happen to be making my Jasmine blouse from.

The original owner has marked the yardage she needed!

If you’d like the pattern and bias tape, please leave a comment by 23:59 on Sunday 12 February 2012!  This is open to everyone, everywhere as long as you’ve got a postal address!  I’ll draw a winner using the thing on Monday.  Good Luck x

33 thoughts on “Sew Grateful

  1. Vicki, you are always so generous with your giveaways! (I need to be more like you). This pattern is just darling – I would love to make up view 1 with that collar.

  2. Hi there! I just started sewing again and I want to build up my collection of patterns. I would love to add this!

  3. Oooo! I kinda love that shirting fabric (and bias tape is, by far, my favorite way to finish things!).


  4. The dress is so cUte and I love the cake-y skirt! The cotton fabric you used for the bias tape looks great too 😉
    I know what you mean about supportive invoroment, my sewing machine was a present from my parents too! And the best is that even our bfriend/hubby/friend poking us about in the end they feel proud of our creative imagination! Keep inspiring us 😉

  5. That pattern is adorable; and I feel I would have to design it around the cute bias tape!

    Thanks for a fun giveaway!

  6. wow, the pattern is really pretty, I think I like the long-sleeves version better, makes me think about a fabulous summer coat, which looks just like a dress, but isn’t. This way you can wear two dresses at once, wouldn’t it be great?

  7. What a wonderful pattern! I’ve been looking for a nice shirtwaist pattern for ages! 🙂 And I love the little stars fabric, very pretty!

  8. ohhh both the fabric and the pattern are marvelous. I need many more dresses and I think this might do the trick
    thanks so much =]

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