7 Hours, 179.9Km & 5871Cal

Yep, goal 1 of my self imposed fitness challenge is complete!

Earnt Flora

As a result I have ordered Flora and I have already bought one length of fabric for her, have plans to mash her with Elisalex and Sewaholic’s Gabriola and also involve her in Sew Dolly Clackett.  Oh yes, I can NOT wait to get my hands on this pattern!  And it’s so much the sweeter for having worked for her.

For the next fortnight I’m working for Tilly’s Coco – not my usual aesthetic but the top length looks so fabulous on Oobop and I need some lovely solid coloured tops (working for this and filling a wardrobe hole?!).  I’m also planning a day in London which I am really really looking forward to.  I don’t often have a day out on my own (the last one being the Goldhawk Road meet up I went to last summer) and this time I plan to visit the legendary ‘Man Outside Sainsbury’s’ on Whalthamstow market and see what he has to offer.  I’m after fabric for Flora, Emery, Gabriola and Coco (and lets be honest, what ever catches my eye!!).

20 thoughts on “7 Hours, 179.9Km & 5871Cal

  1. Aww… thanks for the mention VK and I’m so looking forward to seeing your ‘mash up’! That fabric is destined for some serious gorgeousness! 🙂

  2. Congratulations on completing your challenge! And what a great present! I LOVE the fabric, this dress is going to look fantastic. Does the mash-up make it a Flo-sa-ola?! Good luck with it. 😉

  3. Brilliant. Well done for working so hard. I love your fabric choice. I’m awfully tempted by both these patterns too. Just need to finalise a big fabric/pattern clear out I’m working on at the moment and then maybe splash out on them.

    1. Fabric and pattern clear outs are kinda cathartic – I had a clear out at the beginning of the year and feel much better for it! You’d look fabulous in both patterns!

  4. Congratulations on achieving your goal! Gorgeous fabric and I’m looking forward to seeing it made up as a Flora! are you going to Walthamstow on a saturday? just to say that if you’re going through the week I think the man outside sainsbury’s is usually in a different spot – I’m not sure where yet as I’m on a fabric-buying ban so purposefully don’t look for him when I’m up a sainsbury’s!

    1. I’m going on Saturday so I’m hoping Karen’s guide will do me proud (plus I’m meeting Claire who knows the area where as I’m hopeless!)

  5. Well done Vicki! Keep it up. I can’t wait to see all of your plans for Flora come to fruition, there are going to be a lot of beautiful on this blog in the future and I’m looking forward to it 🙂

  6. yaay – well done you! that is an awesome reward! just make sure you trace the pattern rather than cutting – with all that exercise you’ll be whizzing down through the sizes!

  7. Ooooh yay!! Congrats on hitting your target. Excited to see your plans. One day I will make it to the man behind Sainsburys. He really does sound like a legend.

  8. Fantastic, congratualtions on achieving your target! And I am very envious – I would so love to visit the legendary Man Outside Sainsburys!

  9. I’m still deliberating over this pattern so look forward to seeing how yours goes. Enjoy Walthamstow. I’ve had to ban myself going for a while after my last splurge!! The shops I always go to are the man outside Sainsburys and a shop on Vernon Road (side road before Sainsburys). Further down the market (over the crossing) there are a couple of fabric shops I like near Manze’s pie and mash – New Fabric Shops on right hand side and one opposite I can’t remember the name of. Enjoy!

  10. What a good idea for a fitness goal reward! I am totally going to copy you!

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